2020 ISC News January
Jan Header 2020
Jan Spotlight 2020

Name:    Urara Kakugawa
Country: Japan
Major:     Music


As a musician, Citrus College was a natural choice for Urara. When choosing schools, she quickly gravitated toward Citrus College for its award winning music department. A celebrated music program and affordable tuition were the largest factors in her decision.

After beginning her studies, the music faculty did not disappoint. Regarding music professors, Urara said, “They are so caring and want you to grow so much. They try hard to make sure you understand everything they teach you.” Citrus College also provides ample practice space for students to hone their skills in a comfortable environment. Practice rooms are some of her favorite spaces on campus and where she spends countless hours perfecting her singing. After Citrus College, she plans to return to Japan and work as a performer.

International Student Center

Instagram: citruscollegeisc
Facebook: Citrus College International Student Center

ISC Activities

Welcome to 2020! The roaring twenties are back! The next decade of the 21st century already looks promising. Here in the ISC, we said goodbye to the 2010’s with an amazing Holiday Party complete with turkey, holiday ham, and all to fixings. This month, the ISC welcomes the year of the Rat with mooncakes and mahjong in the ISC Lounge on January 27. We invite all to join in on the festivities and usher in the year of the Rat. With the new year comes a new semester and Spring semester is coming in fast. Be sure to purchase your health insurance and register for spring 2020 classes if you haven’t already. Remember, you need 12 units total with 9 units on campus/hybrid to stay in status this Spring!

Bridge the Gap With Online Classes

Looking to expedite your studies? Do you have just one pre-required class to get into your major? Well, you are in luck. Citrus College offers many courses during the winter and summer sessions that can help you reach your goals with ease. Are you planning to return home during the break? That’s no problem at all. Online classes are available during winter and summer too. There are no unit requirements in the winter or summer sessions, which means you can take even just one unit without worry, and you can get a jump on your educational journey from the comfort of your home country. Check out the Citrus College class schedule on the Citrus College webpage and see what we can offer you this winter break! 


Jan img-2 2020

Jan img-1 2020

Japanese ISC Student Reunion

During their trip to Japan last month, the ISC Director, Coe Lamoureux, and instructor, Alan Waddington, stopped by the Japanese ISC Student Reunion. Dozens of Citrus College alumni met at the venue in Tokyo to socialize and reminisce over their Citrus College days. It was a wonderfully festive gathering of Citrus College’s best and brightest from Japan.  Coe and Alan were a welcome sight for participating alumni and they gladly invited them to partake in the festivities. We are glad to see our graduates so happy, successful, and proud of the experiences they had here at Citrus College and take pride in their educational success and commitment to maintaining the Citrus College spirit.

Important Dates
Current Students
  • Winter Break - Campus Closed -                       December 21 - January 1

  • Winter 2020 Drop for Non-Payment - January 3

  • Winter 2020 Classes Begin - January 6

  • Chinese New Year - January 25

  • ISC Super Bowl Party - February 2

Future Students
  • ISC Scholarship App. Deadline - January 1

  • New Student Registration Assistance -           February 3 - 12

  • ISC Spring Orientation - February 13

  • Spring 2020 Classes Begin - February 19